For now it’s happening in the format of a hangout with games and snacks and space to chat with other likeminded people, but as the anarchists we are we know that everything is possible together, so dont hesitate to participate!

Writing Letters to Prisoners
Join us in the Opstand on Tuesday for a nice cup of tea and for writing some letters. People in prison are faced with isolation and disconnection from the rest of the world. From the outside, we can try to break the routine of repression with some colourful letters. Letter writing seems easy but we often don’t take the time to sit down and do it, or we don’t know where to start… So let’s do it together, with solidarity, tea, and cookies.
We will provide letter writing material and a list of addresses, but feel free to bring more!
Writing letters to prisoners happens every 4rd Tuesday of the month at Anarchistische Boekenplek Opstand, Beatrijsstraat 12a Den Haag.
[ a black contour of a prison fence in the background on white. On top you there arelight purple and violet paper planes flying over the fence, and the header says ‘ letter writing to prisoners’. On the bottom of the image there are two light violet text fields, ‘ every 4th tuesday of the month, 19.00’ and ‘Anarcho Boekenplek opstand, Beatrijsstraat 12A’]
[the same background image as the first image, with a purple text field on top with the text of the caption above]
It is the annual Aceweek (25th – 31st Oct.), thus the Anarchist Bookstore Opstand also will take part in educating and creating awareness about all ace topics!
Do you want to ask questions about asexuality that you couldn’t get answered? Do you want to have some personal story sharing about ace experiences? Would you like to brainstorm about how to make asexuality more visible and acknowledged? You think you’re ace yourself but just wanna talk about it with an ace person? You know someone who’s close to you and just came out and need some resources?
We invite you to come along from 17-21 on the next Thursday (29th), and from 15-19 on the Friday (30th). M. from the Opstand will be there and ready with some topics to chat/talk/discuss about.
Not necess
ary, but recommended: write us an email or an Instagram direct message and tell us when you’ll be coming. We shouldn’t be more than 4 people in the space ( -if you just wanna talk face to face quietly, also possible).
some more things:
– We won’t tolerate shitty behaviour and discrimination, and want to make it a space to learn.
– bring your own facemask please
– background of the person doing the event: themselves are non-binary and ace, white, non-academic background, slow reader. They prefer talking English, but german and dutch would also work.
– it’s free and there is no need to consume anything, but it would be nice to have some tea with you!
– accessibility: wheelchair accessible it is, but the entrance is a bit tricky. Knock in the window and we’ll make it possible (accessible toilet is there also) ! Next tramstop is Anna Bijnslaan.
Most of the communication takes place in online communites, such as the AVEN forum or on socialmedia.
– Tumblr: (accessible without being signed up))
– facebookgroups are very helpful like ArosAndEnbies
– Instagram accounts to follow:
@teachingoutsidethebinary [amazing teacher, nonbinary ace/aceflux]
@_aceingrace_ an channel especially to power and uplift black and POC folxs
dutch: @theacemind
most interesting articles from aro/ace writers
literally SO good: here some links:
[aro/ace explanation based on personal story]
[very intense poem about current times, recommended!]
[poem about the notion of platonic love]
– [grey ace peronal story, very poetic]
– [some terms clarified + super good example of how to introduce RA and Asexuality to new ‘dates’]
– [poem to ace people]
– [review of a book that sounds goodd but the review is also top notch!]
“But you know what I realised on my walk?” she said. “I realised that I love you, Georgia.”
My mouth dropped open.
“Obviously I’m not romantically in love with you. But I realised that whatever these feelings are for you, I…” She grinned wildly. “I feel like I am in love. Me and you—this is a fucking love story! I feel like I’ve found something most people just don’t get. I feel at home around you in a way I have never felt in my fucking life. And maybe most people would look at us and think that we’re just friends, or whatever, but I know that it’s just… so much more than that.” She gestured dramatically at me with both hands. “You changed me. You… you fucking saved me, I swear to God. I know I still do a lot of dumb stuff and I say the wrong things and I still have days where I just feel like shit but… I’ve felt happier over the past few weeks than I have in years.” (p.413)
definitions: understanding them with cake analogies by xen haas:
If you come across a cake and find it aesthetically attractive it means you think it’s pretty. It was very well put together and it’s nice to look at.
Sexual attraction is seeing the cake and the visual sparking thought about smelling it or eating it. Maybe the thought of licking the frosting off pops into your head, or maybe your eye is just drawn to that frosting and you can envision the taste. You might wonder how soft and moist it is. But, you might not actually want to, you just imagine it. Maybe it initiates hunger and maybe it doesn’t.
(Asexuality, then, is seeing cake all the time but it never even entering one’s mind that it’s potential food.)
Sex drive is how big your appetite is. You may just not be hungry almost ever. If you eat, it’s for some other reason. If you have a large appetite you want to eat, but you may not necessary care what you eat. Eating itself is what is satisfying, not necessarily what was eaten.
Sexual arousal is your physical reaction, sometimes to being hungry, sometimes to actually getting ready to or eating. It’s when the stimulus of the looks or smells or thoughts of the food laid out make your stomach growl or your mouth water. Sometimes this may happen without stimulus or actual hunger, sometimes your stomach just rumbles even if you don’t feel particularly hungry.
Sexual desire is being hungry for cake specifically. You want to eat that cake. Or maybe you just want to eat a cake and go looking for one. Just because you want the cake doesn’t necessarily mean you go after the cake.
Sexual activity is actually eating the cake. This could be because you really wanted the cake, but also because you just wanted to try the cake, or maybe everyone else was having cake and there was social pressure, etc.
Sexual orientation is what flavor(s) you like.
This week at the Queer Spreek Uur: Stonewall Riots!
19.00 Open office hour – come in with all your questions, struggles and anger; we’re here to listen ????
The QSU team will be sitting in the Opstand and recognisable by their rainbow buttons. You can approach any and all of us with your questions.
20.00 Movie Screening – Happy Birthday, Masha! a short fiction movie about the hours that preceded Marsha P. Johnson’s death, followed by Before Stonewall a documentary that retraces LGBTI+ history prior to Stonewall.
21.30 Discussion round: What is so powerful about the myths like the Stonewall Riots, especially in constructing a queer resistance?
P.S.: we now hav17/queer-spreekuur-qsu/e an email address. Shoot us your questions, wishes and/or recommendations:
Deze week tijdens de Queer Spreek Uur: de Stonewall Rellen!
19.00: Vrije Spreek Uur – kom binnen met al je vragen, dingen waar je mee worstelt of woede tegen het systeem, wij zijn hier om te luisteren. De QSU mensen zullen in de Opstand zitten, en herkenbaar zijn aan hun regenboog buttons. Je kan ons benaderen voor al je vragen.
20.00 Film screening – Happy Birthday Marsha! een kort fictie film over de uren die de Stonewall rellen hebben voorgegaan en daarna Before Stonewall een documentaire dat LHBTI+ geschiedenis tot en met Stonewall naloopt.
21.30 discussie rondom de thema: wat is de kracht van mythes zoals de Stonewall Rellen in het opbouwen van queer verzet?
P.S.: wij hebben nu een email adres. Stuur ons je vragen, wensen en/of aanraders:
>>> Launch of the QueerSpreekUur, from now on every Friday in the Opstand ! <<<
Last Friday we launched the first of our queer evenings, with a documentary retracing the trajectories of queercore “how to punk a revolution”. Watching this documentary was another reminder of the importance of digging out our queer history and doing archival work to remember that we’ve existed through the ages and that we’ve resisted throughout time.
We’ve been systematically killed, hunted down and shamed, erased from history and overwritten by hegemonic culture. But don’t believe we’ve been sitting silently, waiting to appear only when capitalism would find a way to commodify our deviant bodies and desires. In the shadows of homophobia, misogyny and transphobia we’ve been making our own history. Working in the night, we’ve been crafting a language and a way of being that could escape the forces keeping us down, finding the words to yell our coming into being and shake down the reigning order.
Because, when your existence itself is at stake you have no choice but to fight. Our desires make us outcasts and fuel our anger.
We are queer, queer as in against the state and capitalism, queer as in against borders and racism/islamophobia, queer as in against pinkwashing and the use of our desires to justify horrendous and discriminatory politics.
Another thing to remember from this movie: the power of imagination and how our desires can shape the reality we live in. Unsatisfied with their surroundings, these punks pretended what they wanted already existed and made it happen. We’ll keep that in mind during the following queer nights and let ourselves be inspired by their actions.
Welcome to QueerSpreekUur, come along to queer anarchism together. Every Friday at 18.30 in the anarchist bookstore Beatrijsstraat 12. Any questions or requests? Mail us!
Queer liberation is for everyone!