QSU 03/07/2020 Homonationalism in the Netherlands

a white text with slightly transparent and purple background saying 'queers against homonationalism and the far right!' is placed in the first half of the picture. the whole picturebackground is two portraits, one of pim fortuyn and one of geert wilders. their images are crossed out with a big purple X.*FOR ENGLISH SCROLL DOWN*

Deze week begint de Queer Spreek Uur om 19.00.

We gaan het hebben over HOMO-NATIONALISME, oftewel het gebruiken van een zogenaamde LHBT+ emancipatie voor een nationalistische agenda. Denk hierbij aan Pim Fortuyn, of Wilders bijvoorbeeld, wanneer zij homo-rechten gebruiken om islamofobische leuzen te uiten.

Samen gaan wij stukjes van Gloria Wekker’s “Over Homo-nostalgie en (post)kolonialiteit – Waar zijn alle kritische witte homomannen gebleven?” lezen. (uit haar boek “Witte Onschuld, Paradoxen van Kolonialisme en Ras”, 2006).

Als je geen zin hebt om te lezen, ben je alsnog welkom: een van ons geeft een korte samenvatting en zal homo-nationalisme in een bredere context zetten. Daarna gaan we een informeel discussie houden. Wij zullen samen met de deelnemers beslissen of we Engels of Nederlands, of een mix van beide, als voertaal zullen gebruiken. Vragen of verzoeken? Mail ons dan: queerspreekuur@riseup.net.

>>>!!!<<<< BELANGRIJK! >>>!!!<<<< QSU nodigt je uit morgen 02/07/2020 van 16 tot 18 uur naar de lange vijverberg (Den Haag) te komen voor de ‘Sekswerkers Rechten tijdens Corona’ Demonstratie. (Wij zullen er ook zijn, als je niet alleen wilt gaan kun je ons mailen of ter plekken bij ons aansluiten, we zullen regenboogvlag buttons hebben.) —- This week the Queer Spreek Uur will start at 19.00 We will talk about HOMO-NATIONALISM, meaning the use of a supposed lgbt+ emancipation to defend nationalistic ideas. Think for example of Pim Fortuyn, or Geert Wilders when they use gay-rights to justify islamophobic slurs. Together we will read excerpts from Gloria Wekker’s “On Homo-Nostalgia and (Post)-Coloniality – or, Where Did All the Critical White Gay Men Go?” (from her book “White Innocence, Paradoxes of Colonialism and Race”, 2006). If you don’t feel like reading, you are stille welcome: one of us will give a short outline of the chapter and will set homo-nationalism in a broader context. After that, we will have an informal discussion. Together with the participants, we will decide whether we will be speaking Dutch, English or a mixture of both. Any questions or requests? Mail us! queerspreekuur@riseup.net. >>>!!!<<< IMPORTANT >>>!!!<<<

QSU invites you all tomorrow 02/07/2020 from 16.00 to 18.00 at Lange vijverberg(Den Haag) for the protest ‘Sexworkers’ Rights During Corona’. (We will be there as well, if you don’t feel like going alone you can reach out to us by mail or join us there – we will be recognisable by our rainbowflag buttons).

Stonewall Riots!

This week at the Queer Spreek Uur: Stonewall Riots!


19.00 Open office hour – come in with all your questions, struggles and anger; we’re here to listen ????
The QSU team will be sitting in the Opstand and recognisable by their rainbow buttons. You can approach any and all of us with your questions.

20.00 Movie Screening – Happy Birthday, Masha! a short fiction movie about the hours that preceded Marsha P. Johnson’s death, followed by Before Stonewall a documentary that retraces LGBTI+ history prior to Stonewall.

21.30 Discussion round: What is so powerful about the myths like the Stonewall Riots, especially in constructing a queer resistance?

P.S.: we now hav17/queer-spreekuur-qsu/e an email address. Shoot us your questions, wishes and/or recommendations: queerspreekuur@riseup.net


Deze week tijdens de Queer Spreek Uur: de Stonewall Rellen!


19.00: Vrije Spreek Uur – kom binnen met al je vragen, dingen waar je mee worstelt of woede tegen het systeem, wij zijn hier om te luisteren. De QSU mensen zullen in de Opstand zitten, en herkenbaar zijn aan hun regenboog buttons. Je kan ons benaderen voor al je vragen.

20.00 Film screening – Happy Birthday Marsha! een kort fictie film over de uren die de Stonewall rellen hebben voorgegaan en daarna Before Stonewall een documentaire dat LHBTI+ geschiedenis tot en met Stonewall naloopt.

21.30 discussie rondom de thema: wat is de kracht van mythes zoals de Stonewall Rellen in het opbouwen van queer verzet?

P.S.: wij hebben nu een email adres. Stuur ons je vragen, wensen en/of aanraders: queerspreekuur@riseup.net

Queer Spreekuur! QSU!

A flyer in portrait format, with jellyfish as background , in the front white font with information that si to be found in the text as well>>> Launch of the QueerSpreekUur, from now on every Friday in the Opstand ! <<<

Last Friday we launched the first of our queer evenings, with a documentary retracing the trajectories of queercore “how to punk a revolution”. Watching this documentary was another reminder of the importance of digging out our queer history and doing archival work to remember that we’ve existed through the ages and that we’ve resisted throughout time.
We’ve been systematically killed, hunted down and shamed, erased from history and overwritten by hegemonic culture. But don’t believe we’ve been sitting silently, waiting to appear only when capitalism would find a way to commodify our deviant bodies and desires. In the shadows of homophobia, misogyny and transphobia we’ve been making our own history. Working in the night, we’ve been crafting a language and a way of being that could escape the forces keeping us down, finding the words to yell our coming into being and shake down the reigning order.

Because, when your existence itself is at stake you have no choice but to fight. Our desires make us outcasts and fuel our anger.
We are queer, queer as in against the state and capitalism, queer as in against borders and racism/islamophobia, queer as in against pinkwashing and the use of our desires to justify horrendous and discriminatory politics.

Another thing to remember from this movie: the power of imagination and how our desires can shape the reality we live in. Unsatisfied with their surroundings, these punks pretended what they wanted already existed and made it happen. We’ll keep that in mind during the following queer nights and let ourselves be inspired by their actions.

Welcome to QueerSpreekUur, come along to queer anarchism together. Every Friday at 18.30 in the anarchist bookstore Beatrijsstraat 12. Any questions or requests? Mail us! queerspreekuur@riseup.net
Queer liberation is for everyone!

Boekenwinkel Opstand

… is open again!

Come around!
Our opening times are:
– thursdays from 5pm to 9pm (17-19 uur)
– fridays from 3pm until 7pm (15-19uur)

 Next tramstation is Anna Bijnslaan, you can walk in direction Grand Café Melis, and you’ll see a playground. Walk around it on the left handside, You’ll come to an enchantingly looking entrance and to De Samenscholing! Also Water & Brood, our collectively run restaurant, is there. (reserve a table. On thursdays you can also come and eat at the Opstand with us. Call if you have allergies)
Also The Anarchist Bookstore is wheelchair accessible via the entrance of Water & Brood/ De Samenscholing.

We’ll inform you about the covid19 measurements as soon as you’re coming in 🙂 No worries, soap and desinfectant present!

For others who cannot or do not want to come but still wanna have books: Write us, we’ll gladly bring them over by bike 🙂

look out for each other!


Opstand Collective

june 3rd 2020

Over het Covid-19 virus & vervolg stappen // On the Covid-19 virus & further steps


Over het Covid 19 virus & vervolg stappen.

“We zijn niet eens een beetje bang van ruïnes. We gaan de aarde erven, daar bestaat geen twijfel over. De burgerij zal wellicht haar wereld verpulveren en ruïneren voordat ze het toneel van de geschiedenis verlaat. Wij dragen een nieuwe wereld, hier, in onze harten. En die wereld groeit met de minuut.” – Buenaventura Durruti

Er is niemand die kan ontkennen dat de recente uitbraak van het Covid-19 virus ons dagelijkse bestaan heeft verstoord. De verstoringen veroorzaakt door zowel de gezondheidsrisico’s als door de overheidsmaatregel hebben ook onze boekenwinkel en sociaal centrum aangetast. Daarom zal voor de komende weken, misschien maanden, de Anarchistische Boekenwinkel Opstand, enkel op afspraak open zijn voor het ophalen van boeken of andere informatie. Ook al nemen we de uitbraak van het Covid-19 virus serieus als gezondheidsrisico, sluiten wij toch met ongenoegen en vooral ongemak onze deuren. Daarom brengen we dit statement uit om onze gedachtes te delen. Continue reading

Opstand gaat dicht, maar bedenkt een oplossing/Opstand closed, we’re looking for solutions

Beste Mensen!
Vandag en morgen gaan we toch dicht. We gaan vandag iets bedenken, hoe we tot juni verder gaan!
Hey dears!
Today and tomorrow we will be closed. We are gonna think of a solution to keep the bookstore accessible and available in times of the pandemic and the new governmental rules to flatten the curve.
tot zo!
you’ll hear from us!

Openingstijden de volgende 3 weken

Beste mensen,

tijdens deze globale pandemie willen we graag nog geopened zijn.
Wij houden ons aan de maatregelen van de Overheid in CoVid-19 tijden, dus kom graag langs.
Klop dan even aan de deur, dan doen we open voor je!
Gewoon donderdag vanaf 5 tot 9 en vrijdag vanaf 3 tot 7.
Zeep en doekjes staan klaar, maar ook leuke nieuwe boeken!

Als je in Den Haag in quarantine bent en graag een specifieke boek wilt lezen, stuur gewoon een bericht of mail, dan kunnen we het naar jouw toebrengen!
Q time is reading time!

Alle events zijn wel afgelast!

beneden een paar van de leuke nieuwe boeken!




The Anarchist Bookstore will be opened on Thursday (17-21) and Friday (15-19).
If you want to get a nice book, we got some new amazing books – feel free to drop by.
There is soap and we’ll open the door for you if you knowck – we are aware of this global pandemic, but we also think social isolation (and also boredom 🙂 ) is a problem, even though we see the necessity of social distancing in times like this. With taking good care of the requirements, we hope you still wanna come along, if you feel comfortable enough.
You are in quarantine in Den Haag and want a book to read? drop us a line, we will look if we have it and bring it to your door 🙂
All events are cancelled!
Our recommendation:
– Witches, Witch-Hunting, and Women
by Silvia Federici
– Abolishing Carceral Society by Abolition Collective
– Make Rojava green again
– Perspectives on Anarchist Theory: Anarcha-Feminisms (Issue #29)
beautiful novels:
– Margins and Murmurations by Otter Lieffe
– Conserve and Control by Otter Lieffe
Until then, stay safe!

Maandagenda!! Februari 2020!

De maandagenda voor het volgende maand is klar!

Beginnend volgende maand zijn we alleen maar donderdag en vrijdag, maar we hebben meer evenementen, ook in de De Samenscholing!
Kijk ook naar hun facebook, er zijn veel leuke punk feestjes deze en komende maart.

Tot dan!

The month’s agenda for march is ready!
We will start this week already, on 1st of March, Sunday!

Starting this month, our opening times are different. We are closed on tuesdays, but opened on Thursday and Friday, with more events going on.

Also check De Samenscholing! There will be a lot of nice shows upcoming.

See you soon!A flyer showing text with decorative black elements in all corners. a picture of Hannie Schaf's face in black and white is on the right bottom side. there is a typewritersymbol on top, followed by the words: 'anarchistische boekenwinkel opstand maart 2020'[Alt Text:
On the maandagenda following information is written down:

01.03. Xwebun: Women’s resistance in Noth Kurdistan. Infoevening with Benefitdinner and MovieScreening. Begin is at 5pm. Hosted by Defend Rojava.

05.03.  We will Screen Vrouwen in Verzet and talk about it. Start is at 7pm.

14.03. Haags Mug will have an English talk about ‘A ‘carbon neutral’ economy – The (De)Politization of the Climate Debate’. It starts at 19.00.

At the 29th of March we will have an Eetcafe, called Hannie Eet Wat De Pot Schaft. It will be hosted by the Opstand, but taking place in the Water en Brood!
Food is ready at 6pm! All the Donations will be for De Samenscholing.]

We’re looking forward to seeing you there 🙂

The Opstand is wheelchair accessible through the Water & Brood!


‘If a Tree falls: A Story of the Earth Liberation Front’ – Movie Screening 27 Februari

Animal Liberation Movie Month PART 3
Volgende Donderdag, 27 Februari! Kom langs!


As a part 3 of this month’s topic: ‘Animal liberation’, the anarchist bookstore Opstand will screen ‘If a Tree falls: A Story of the Earth Liberation Front’ (2011).

Boekenwinkel geopened vanaf 5, film begint om 8 uur!
We will start at 19:00, Movie starts at 20.00.

There will be popcorn during and a discussion after the movie, which we really hope you feel like joining!

Content Note: gewelddadige beelden worden getoont in de film /
— Because exploitation of other animals ain’t nice, we would like to give a content note: Even though we got comfy couches we are going to deal with uncomfy topics! —


If a Tree falls: A Story of the Earth Liberation Front
IF A TREE FALLS is a rare behind-the-curtain look at the Earth Liberation Front, the radical environmental group that the FBI calls America’s ‘number one domestic terrorist threat.’ With unprecedented access and a nuanced point of view, the documentary tells the story of Daniel McGowan, an ELF member who faced life in prison for two multi-million dollar arsons against Oregon timber companies. The film employs McGowan’s story to examine larger questions about environmentalism, activism, and terrorism

—-> There is a possibility of donating during the event and the money will go to various groups active around this topic. <—-

The place is accessible for wheelchairs!
Het locatie is rolstoel vriendelijk.

‘Carnage: Swallowing the Past’ – Movie Screening 20 Februari

Animal Liberation Movie Month PART 2

Deze Donderdag, binnen 2 dagen, gaan we weer een fimpje kijken. Vanaf 5 uur is de boekenwinkel geopend, film begint 20.00 uur. Er is popcorn, discussie een couches.
Content Warning: er worden gewelddadige beelden in de film getoont.


As a part 2 of this month’s topic: ‘ Animal liberation’, the anarchist bookstore Opstand will screen ‘Carnage – Swallowing The Past’ (2017).

This movie is a bit different from the rest, mainly because of it’s comedic aspect. It is nice to in between serious and activating movies, have a comfortable, funny movie to watch with friends. So make sure to come and bring your friends.

‘Carnage – Swallowing The Past’ (2017)
It’s 2067, the UK is vegan, but older generations are suffering the guilt of their carnivorous past. Simon Amstell asks us to forgive them for the horrors of what they swallowed.


—->    There is a possibility of donating during the event and the money will go to various groups active around this topic. <——

There will be popcorn, discussion and couches!
Place is wheelchair accessible/ de boekenwinkel is rolstoel vriendelijk!




The bookshop is open from 17:00, Movie starts at 20.00.
There will be popcorn during and a discussion after the movie, which we really hope you feel like joining!

— Because exploitation of other animals ain’t nice, we would like to give a content note: Even though we got comfy couches we are going to deal with uncomfy topics! —

‘Carnage – Swallowing The Past’ (2017)

It’s 2067, the UK is vegan, but older generations are suffering the guilt of their carnivorous past. Simon Amstell asks us to forgive them for the horrors of what they swallowed.

There is a possibility of donating during the event and the money will go to various groups active around this topic.

The place is accessible for wheelchairs.

The place is accessible for wheelchairs.