Queer Spreek Uur: queer resistance to gentrification.

LGBT communities have been blamed as a source of gentrification. However, queer neighbourhoods have also had to fight against it. We will be reading/watching/listening to media related to the ambivalent role of queers in the issue of gentrification.

The plan for the evening is:

1. Talk about how queers are being gentrified out of London, particularly in SoHo.
2. Discuss how queer oriented tourism in Amsterdam is gentrifying the city.
3. Have a discussion on queer resistance to gentrification.

Meeting is on Friday at 19.00 at the Opstand, Beatrijsstraat 12. Discussion starts around 20.00.

A reminder that the QSU people are recognizable by their big LGTBI-flag buttons and you can approach them every Friday from 19.00 onwards with any questions about queerness. Non queers are also welcome both to the questions and to the discussion.