Film night: Bernadette Devlin McAliskey

Let’s watch a short documentary and learn and discuss about the struggles in Northern Ireland past and present.

This Thursday 9th Dec at 19.00 in the Opstand

Bernadette Devlin McAliskey:
Irish revolutionary, Civil rights activist, Feminist
Politically active 1968 – present day

Brought up in a cathlolic working class home in Northern Ireland, she radicalized participating in the Civil Right’s movement and was subsequently excluded from university.
Aged 21, not intending to win the elections she became the youngest woman ever elected into parliament only to realize that “… by coming to the british parliament, I’ve allowed the people to sacrifice me at the top and let go the more effective job I should be doing at the bottom”

Involved in the famous “battle of the bogside” she helped organize a neighborhood to defend themselves against unionist paramilitaries and the police. They held the barricades 48 hrs and surrendered only when they brought in the military.
“it is of no relevance who starts the stone throwing in these occasions but what does matter is that it always ends up with an invasion of the catholic slum area by the police”
She subsequently spent 6 months in prison for inciting riots.

“I’m just one of a number of people who grew up in a society we didn’t want to grow old in.
It’s a sick society.
I just wish that other people would try top put themselves in my shoes.
Not as bernadette devlin but as one 22 year old girl from a working class background living in northern ireland.
there’s millions, at least hundreds of bernadette devlins in the North of Ireland.
who have no adress to the british public, aren’t newsworthy
they don’t know what to do either
they can’t live in the society they find themselves in
they don’t know how to change it
and in conscience they can’t leave it and forget about it
we’re the people they call extremists”

She never stopped organizing politically.

Events December 2021

Anarcha Boekenplek Opstand  – Events/evenementen December 2021:

Elke dinsdag en donderdag vanaf 18 tot 21.00 zijn we open voor onze bieb, om boeken met radicaal inhoud te verkopen of te lenen, we hebben zines en patches en thee en gezelligheid.

Deze december hebben we reading group, caliban and the witch chapter 3, een arrestatie en verhoorworkshop in het nederlands op de 16e (graag aanmelden via onze email tot 13.12.2021) en Letter writing to prisoners/gevangenen briefjes schrijven op de 28de.

Elk evenement begint om 19.00, maar open zijn we van 18-21!

Hou deze dagen in de gaten, want we hebben vanaf nu elke 1e donderdag, 2de donderdag en 4de dinsdag van de maand reguliere evenementen!

Onze catalogus van de bibliotheek kunnen jullie vinden op


a transfeminist big purple logo in different shades is the background, based on the shapes of it there is a lot of text. the header says 'anarcha boekenplek' and fat letters form the word opstand. below there are three lines with white and balck text on purple an dyellow background. on th ebottom there is a link to the library and a tiny illustrations of a book and playful letters saying' narchist care about books'. all the detail of the flyer can be found in the text.

Arrestatie en Verhoor: Workshop 16.12.2021 (aanmelding vereist))

Arrestatie en Verhoor:
de arrestantengroep geeft een workshop over voorbereiden op arrestatie, verhoor, en je rechten bij een arrestatie. Daarbij zit een verhoortraining en het onderling delen van ervaringen met arrestatie. Start 19:00 uur.*
Meld je vooraf aan via (tot 13.12.2021, 13:12) want vanwege covid zijn er beperkte plaatsen beschikbaar.
Locatie: Boekwinkel Opstand, beatrijsstraat 12 in Den Haag.
Datum: 16 december 2021, start 19:00
In Nederlands!
* in verband met de covid maatregelen kan de tijd wijzigen.
Kom op tijd!

Regular: Letter writing to prisoners (1st edition next tuesday! 23rd nov!))

Writing Letters to Prisoners [ a black contour of a prison fence in the background on white. On top you there arelight purple and violet paper planes flying over the fence, and the header says ‘ letter writing to prisoners’. On the bottom of the image there are two light violet text fields, ‘ every 4th tuesday of the month, 19.00’ and ‘Anarcho Boekenplek opstand, Beatrijsstraat 12A’

Join us in the Opstand on Tuesday for a nice cup of tea and for writing some letters. People in prison are faced with isolation and disconnection from the rest of the world. From the outside, we can try to break the routine of repression with some colourful letters. Letter writing seems easy but we often don’t take the time to sit down and do it, or we don’t know where to start… So let’s do it together, with solidarity, tea, and cookies.
We will provide letter writing material and a list of addresses, but feel free to bring more!

Writing letters to prisoners happens every 4rd Tuesday of the month at Anarchistische Boekenplek Opstand, Beatrijsstraat 12a Den Haag.

[ a black contour of a prison fence in the background on white. On top you there arelight purple and violet paper planes flying over the fence, and the header says ‘ letter writing to prisoners’. On the bottom of the image there are two light violet text fields, ‘ every 4th tuesday of the month, 19.00’ and ‘Anarcho Boekenplek opstand, Beatrijsstraat 12A’]
[the same background image as the first image, with a purple text field on top with the text of the caption above]

Reading together #5 Caliban and the Witch

Talking about Caliban and The Witch, meeting #5!
December 2nd we’ll meet at 7pm to talk about everything until and including chapter 3. (more like chapter 3 or as far as we have come collectively)
Opstand is open from 6pm, you can come and have food with us from @water.en.brood if you want.
we have facemasks and cookies!
If you don’t have the book yet, you can find it under  // or under
We are looking forward to seeing you there!
You don’t need to have any prior experience with the topic to join the reading group, just willingness to discuss and learn from each other. If you are planning to join us, please send us a message to let us know that you are coming, so that we can account for the number of people attending because of higher covid19 cases. Bring your facemask please, otherwise we have some here in case you forgot yours!
Accessibility: The entrance of the Opstand is not wheelchair accessible, but there is a way when you go into the main entrance of the Samenscholing/Water en Brood. The door will be open. In doubt, just call for Max, they’ll come and assist if needed. There is also a suitable toilet.
Next tramstation is Anna Bijnslaan. Parking in the evening is only handy for bikes!
What is “Caliban and The Witch” about? 
“Caliban and the Witch” is a marxist-feminist classic that explores the transition from feudalism to capitalism, a transition that, Federici argues, could only be achieved through the brutal subjugation of women. Moving from medieval peasant revolts through the European witch hunts to the colonisation of America and the transatlantic slave trade, Federici shows that capitalism did not come into existence naturally: it was built on violence. She brings to light that women were often at the forefront of resistance against the new capitalist order, both in Europe and in the colonies, and that capitalism’s birth required the creation of a new kind of patriarchy.
Some of us have already read this book; it is mind blowing and extremely interesting, but also very dense and complex. That is why we want to read it together, to be able to understand it through conversations which each other, and perhaps also to critique it, to be able to formulate our own opinions. What is the connection between witch hunting and capitalism? Where do current patriarchal norms come from, and what purpose do they serve the capitalist powers? We will discuss these questions (and more) while reading this fascinating book.

Film night: Libertarias

This Thursday at 19:00 come to the Opstand for a film and discussion.

We will be watching Libertarias (Freedom fighters). This is a Spanish historical drama, which follows a nun that joins and fights for the anarchist militia during the Spanish civil war of 1936.

The film is in Spanish with English subtitles.
Trigger warning: rape and violence.

Please bring a face mask and do a covid self-test if you have any symptoms.

Reading together #4: Caliban and The Witch, 2nd half of chapter 2!

fourth reading club meeting of ‘Caliban and the Witch’!
we discuss the 2nd half of chapter 2 🙂
if you dont or cant read it, feel free to still drop by and listen and engage!

When: November 4th 2021, at 19:00
Where: at the Opstand (Beatrijsstraat 12, Den Haag).
There will be tea! cookies! And a cosy atmosphere! We are looking forward to seeing you there!

a text in light yellow and light violet on a dirty dark purple background with a dark woodcut image layerd on top, showing two presumable 'witches' around a cauldron. Text reads: reading together #2: Caliban and The Witch, a book by Silvia Federici, thursday Nov 5th 19.00. 'we'll discuss the 2nd half of chapter 2'. Opstand, Beatrijstraat 12, Den Haag, OFFLINE EVENT: because of covid19 bring facemasks & if possible tell us if you wanna attend.

You don’t need to have any prior experience with the topic to join the reading group, just willingness to discuss and learn from each other. If you are planning to join us, please send us a message to let us know that you are coming, so that we can account for the number of people attending because of higher covid19 cases. Bring your facemask please, otherwise we have some here in case you forgot yours!

What is “Caliban and The Witch” about?
“Caliban and the Witch” is a marxist-feminist classic that explores the transition from feudalism to capitalism, a transition that, Federici argues, could only be achieved through the brutal subjugation of women. Moving from medieval peasant revolts through the European witch hunts to the colonisation of America and the transatlantic slave trade, Federici shows that capitalism did not come into existence naturally: it was built on violence. She brings to light that women were often at the forefront of resistance against the new capitalist order, both in Europe and in the colonies, and that capitalism’s birth required the creation of a new kind of patriarchy.

Some of us have already read this book; it is mind blowing and extremely interesting, but also very dense and complex. That is why we want to read it together, to be able to understand it through conversations which each other, and perhaps also to critique it, to be able to formulate our own opinions. What is the connection between witch hunting and capitalism? Where do current patriarchal norms come from, and what purpose do they serve the capitalist powers? We will discuss these questions (and more) while reading this fascinating book.

If you don’t have the book yet, you can find it under // or under

Accessibility: The entrance of the Opstand is not wheelchair accessible, but there is a way when you go into the main entrance of the Samenscholing/Water en Brood. The door will be open. In doubt, just call for Max, they’ll come and assist if needed. There is also a suitable toilet.
Next tramstation is Anna Bijnslaan. Parking in the evening is only handy for bikes!

[a text in light yellow and light violet on a dirty dark purple background with a dark woodcut image layerd on top, showing two presumable ‘witches’ around a cauldron. Text reads: reading together #2: Caliban and The Witch, a book by Silvia Federici, thursday Nov 5th 19.00. ‘we’ll discuss the 2nd half of chapter 2’. Opstand, Beatrijstraat 12, Den Haag, OFFLINE EVENT: because of covid19 bring facemasks & if possible tell us if you wanna attend. ]

Info night: Abolish Frontex

Frontex is the European Union’s border agency. a key actor in enforcing the EU’s deadly border regime. It is responsible for systemic human rights violations through its operations; deportations; and cooperation with repressive regimes in third countries.

In the last fifteen years, Frontex has grown in power and budget enormously and it is now the best paid agency of the EU.
This has to stop. Frontex is an essential part of the EU’s inherently racist, colonial and capitalist border policies and contributes to the horrific way in which migrants are treated.

It’s time to abolish Frontex and the system it represents. reforms are useless.

Covid: please don’t come if you were in contact with people having covid, suspected of covid or have symptoms yourself. If you’ve been to a large party/gathering/inside event in the last few days, please do a test or self-test.

We are fully vaccinated and as usual, have vegan cookies!

Mutual aid!

There are facemasks available and for free to take at the entrance.
Allergies: we have a cat, Doris, frequently visiting, so sadly the space not allergic proof. Let us know in advance then we’ll thoroughly vacuum and try to not let them take their fav place at the couch or roam around.
