De Grote Heropening! We re-open!

een foto van de opstand, daarop en rode gordijn monteerd, daaroverheen in groene handgeschreven letters: de grote heropening van de opstand - anarchistische boekenplek.
Anarchist Bookplace Opstand re-opens!
(scroll naar beneden voor nederlands)
After a period of renovations and restructuring the collective we are ready to reopen again! So that’s why we want to invite you to a merry get-together.
Upcoming Thursday, 1st of July, from 17:00 to 22.00 at Opstand, Beatrijsstraat 12, Den Haag
There will be a lot of nice things happening:
– FREE BOOKS from the archive
– A selection of NEW BOOKS (see pictures, some interesting stuff)
– Snacks and drinks (alcoholic and non-alcoholic) and vegan COOKIES 🙂
– BOOK SWAP! wanna swap books with someone? amazing! Bring a book you want to swap, and we’ll also bring some 🙂
Food and books will be offered on donation, which will help us pay the rent and organise more events in the near future!
Also, you will be able to borrow books from our newly created LIBRARY! You can check the inventory online ( ) . The library is a work in progress, so there will be new books coming in once in a while 🙂 The conditions of borrowing are similar to other anarchist libraries, leave your contact details and a deposit, and you can borrow the book for a month.

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Anarchistisch Radio 1872 – Ruis op de Radio #3

Ruis op de Radio!
Voor de 3e keer kan je vandaag (zat 20 maart) van 00.00 tot 01.00 naar het anarchistische radio ‘1872’ luisteren. Live vanuit Studio Moerwijk in de Samenscholing, te luisteren via 92.0 FM of op @radiotonka ( en @denhaagfm!
Ook wij van de Anarchistische Boekenwinkel + Plek Opstand @opstand.denhaag zijn bezig gewest met een item.
Wij waren op bezoek in Rotterdam, samen met Kattenkwaad (Haagse Autonome Feminsten), bij de demo van 8 maart comitÊ rotterdam op 6 maart in de aanloop van de internationale vrouwendag.  De demo was horizontaal en op een anarchistische manier georganiseerd, in samenwerking met heel veel organisaties en groepen.
⚠️We hebben, om de toegankelijkheid te verbeteren, een transcript van ons gedeelte geschreven, wat ook op de blog ( zal verschijnen. De links naar de krachtige speeches (helaas zonder transcript) van Maria Sanchez en Batya Brown, twee vrouwen en moeders die gekwetst werden door de toeslagenaffaire, vinden jullie hier.(fb link)
twee alineas in zwarte met rode dropshadow in de kop van het portrettformaatbeeld. Alinea een: 1987. Alinea twee: ruis op de radio. De O van 'op' is de piek van een grijse radiomast, er komen zwarte blikseme van af, en radiogolfen in wit. In het onderste gedeelte zije je drie schuin staande alineas. alinea 1: 3e zaterdag v/d maand. Alinea2: radio Tonka 92.FM. alinea 3: 00.00-01.00. links beneden is een zwarte anarchismesymbool , dus een A in een O, met rode dropshadow. in het nderste gedeelte is de achtergrond een illustratie van de wereld van boven.
Op rode achtergrond van links naar rechts zie je een sendmast met het logo van de samenscholing in geel, het logo van studio moerwijk in geel, in de achtergrond een illustratie van een brandend politiewagen, en twee gele rechthoeken met beschrijving van het radioformaat (Elke 3e zaterdag van de maand Studio Moerwijk on Air vanuit de Samenscholing; 23-3.00 Radio Tonka 92 FM). rechts daarvan in gele letters 'live band, politiek, cd muziek'
Al erder aan het luisteren? Vanaf 23.00 uur live op Radio Tonka/StudioMoerwijk live vanuit de Samenscholing spelen Waardeloos en hard voor weinig.

Internationale Vrouwendag – Herdenking Angel

Vandaag is international women’s day.

We herdenken Angel, een vrouw die recent is overleden. Zij is slachtoffer van het transfobe an racistische asielbeleid van de IND.
Rest in power. Rest in peace.
We herdenken Xingshun Zhou Angel, vermoord door de IND op 26.02.2021, AZC Echt

We herdenken Xingshun Zhou Angel, vermoord door de IND op 26.02.2021, AZC Echt.

Solidariteit ook aan diegene die door ethnisch profileren en de toeslagenaffaire kwetst werden. We bedanken diegene die hun verhalen hebben gedeeld deze zaterdag in Rotterdam (bij de Manifestatie op grotekerkplein van Vrouwen, moeders, mensen.
Het tweede beeld is een indruk daarvan. Je ziet een podium met sprekers, en mensen die op afstand staan. De zon schijnt.
Er was o.a. een ontroerende en krachtige speech door Maria Sanchez en Batya Brown over de toeslagenaffaire gedaan, op de Rotterdamse Vrouwenmanifestatie 2021. hier de link:
Kom vandaag naar de demo in Amsterdam, 3pm Museumsplein, mocht je het privilege hebben om te gaan. We zullen niet alleen vandaag of dit weekend in verzet gaan, maar zijn altijd voor een gelijkwaardige wereld aan het strijden. “The Revolution starts at home”.
Van veel kanten horen we ook dat international women’s day voor  “vrouwen+mensen met baarmoeder” zou zijn, of ” vrouwen* ”  wat wel de ervaringen trans vrouwen en niet-binaire personen in een hoekje plaatst en niet waardeerd en een ‘hint of transphobia’ geeft. Daarover moeten we het ook hebben.
Het belangrijk is hier een duidelijk standpunt te hebben. Praktisch bedoelt dat ook, de gender van iemens niet te bepalen aan hoe mens eruitziet of wat er tussen de benen zit.
Emotional labour en reproductive care overnemen, maar dus ook als je eigen taak ook zien+herkennen (hi male allies). Consens oefenen in alle situaties. Duidelijk zijn in je communicatie. Het over moeilijke onderwerpen hebben. Hoe we gesocialiseerd zijn, in welk systeem we opgegroeid zijn, hoe dit alles elkaar beinvloed,… enzofort.
Er zijn tientallen aan boeken en zines een handleidingen maar ook geschiedenis over verzet en het manier hoe gelijkwaardigheid zou kunnen worden bereikt. Zij bieden een beginpunt, verdiepte informatie. Als boekenwinkel, ontmoetingsplek, binnenkort ook bieb, willen we je uitnodigen om te beginnen te praten, te lezen, zich educatief bezig te houden, in actie te komen.
En ook: Self-reflection te plegen en vooral beginnen en verder gaan met het ontmantelen van het patriarchaat en structureel en institutioneel seksime, homofobie, transfobie – binnen ons vriend*innengroep, binnen onze circles of affinity, op ons werkplek,..
Kom in opstand!
(en ook graag naar de Opstand ???? Mocht je deze donderdag willen langskomen, stuur dan maar een berichtje (vanwege het aantal personen/covid19)).
[beeld 1: een banner in roze, met witte letters: we herdenken Xingshun Zhou, ‘Angel’, vermoord door de IND pp 26-2-2021, AZC Echt.’ links daarvan is een transfeministisch logo met een vuist in het midden. Het logo is on licht roze met lichtblauw highlights]
#sayhername #angel #xingshunzhou I #patriarchaat #internationalwomensday #anarchafeminism #seksime #queer #trans #nonbinary #denhaag #queerdenhaag #anarchisme

The Opstand goes to the Anarchist Bookfair in Amsterdam


we are very sorry to last-minute-cancel our participation @anarchistbookfairmasterdam. The collective member who wanted to do the stand got notified yesterday evening that a person they’ve been in second contact* with got a positive covid19 test some days later.
To be better safe than sorry we decide to not come tomorrow and sunday.
we’ll give more info, the full story and how we handled this specifc covid situation here soon. A deeper analysis can also help others for the coming events/friend meetup in general ❤️
Heads up to the comrades organizing the bookfair!
We’re sad but already looking forward to the next one.
*what do we mean with second contact?
Conact person of category 2 basically means little infection risk but exposure to infection still possible.
An example would be: being together with someone in the same room with covid19 positive person for more than 15min, less than 1.5m distance and no MNB (mond neus bedekking).





The Opstand is going to the Anarchist Bookfair in Amsterdam. The bookfair is happening this weekend. We are a bit late in announcing our participation but we are as excited as ever to go. We thank the organising team for their work and letting us join. We will be there both days, Saturday and Sunday, and we hope to see you there as well.

Here is the link to the website, which contains detailed information about all the events

If you are planning to go, don’t forget to send an email to to reserve your spot. Due to COVID-19 space is very limited and it’s first come first serve policy.

Open Letter to Maakhaven – #kwinten54

TW: sexual violence/abuse/r*pe mention

After recent (and less recent) events we feel the responsibility to back up stories and show support as a collective to the people who endured Kwinten Keesmaat’s violence and abuse. We are people who in the past were in the collective with him. We know who and, how he can be. Therefore we deem it extra important to take a firm stand with survivors of abuse and violence, and back up their stories.

Please read on.

From what we know of is that people that know the supporters of the survivors have contacted the venue that hosts his workspace. They informed them about his violent acts and therefore initiated dialogue through email, which grants the possibility of an answer. Unfortunately Maakhaven did not respond to this email, although we do not know if it was not discussed within the space. As we saw it online, after a month of not replying, it was decided to spread the information in the email again, but this time through a more public medium: Instagram.

The way Maakhaven reacted to this denouncement of his actions was very disappointing. They proclaimed their annoyance about the fact someone outed one of their tenants and proceeded to complain about there not being a possibility of dialogue when it is them who did not reply to the first initiated contact.

They should have taken a more proactive stance and take the accusations more seriously, no matter who made them. And not make actions depend on the ones who came out.

As in this situation, until now to us, Kwinten Keesmaat keeps trying to leave his past in the past. He victimizes himself and chooses not to address the harm in an appropriate manner. And also, our experience is that silence has only protected Kwinten and enabled him to continue causing harm.

We as the bookshop Opstand have worked closely with Kwinten Keesmaat before (he was once part of the collective) and have witnessed the process of the accusations against him and his reaction to it. We would be more than willing to sit with people from Maakhaven and share our experiences and therefore contacted them.




Opstand Collective



#kwinten54 #drukkerijoproer #kwintenkeesmaat #boycottkeesmaat #sexualabuse #wegmetdrukkerijoproe r#stoprapeapologies  #nomeansno #solidaritywithsurvivors #wewontstaysilent #silenceisviolence #drukkerijoproerabuse #silenceisviolence #victimblaming #denhaag #sexisme #antisexism #callingout #abuse










Anti-Choice in Poland – Support needed!

The situation in Poland:
It’s going down there in terms of pro-choice.
Birth control in Poland is limited, doctors can even refuse to prescribe them if this is ‘against’ their personal beliefs.
There is an active anti- LGBTQIA+ agenda( with governmental shit
campaigns posing their existence as an ideology instead of orientation, also claiming LGBTQIA+ people are pedophiles.)

The right winged government party PiS now recently equipped the
constitutional tribunal with judges that are on their side, and thus
recently (on last friday) ruled an abortion ban. Judges were associated with the ruling party, and common courts cannot fight against it, because it was ruled by the Constitutional Tribunal.
Besides abortion, the morning-after-pill was also banned fully.

There have been protests ongoing everywhere in the country.
How and whom to support? Aborcyjny Dream Team and Aborcja Bez
Granic(Abortion without borders did a callout: Because abortion is
prohibited from now on, they need to let people know widely that they are not alone and can turn to them. Information must be provided as widely as possible (therefore money is needed for information material a nd their distribution). Also images of them found their way onto on of the governmental anti-choice vans.

ANA ( Abortion Network Amsterdam is helping people since years, especially polish people with uterus. [ANA IBAN: NL06 INGB 0007 1702 49]
They work closely with other abortion support networks like Ciocia Basia in Berlin and Abortion Support Network in London. Our work mainly concerns Polish women who are in need of a second trimester abortion. Practically their work involves helping to set up appointments, choosing the appropriate clinic in the Netherlands, making sure people have all the documents they need, helping with transportation, providing people  traveling to The Netherlands with housing, translation aid and accompanying people to their appointment if requested.(interesting fact: In the Netherlands second trimester abortions (after 12 weeks) are possible.)

There are maybe even more things than donating which we can do, but this is still to be figured out. One idea might be getting morning after pills and donating them to activist groups.
Anyway, check it out online and spread the word, we think every donation and every talk you have makes a difference.

Asexual Awareness Week 25th-31st Oct

Asexual Awarenessweek (Ace  Week)!

An asexuality flag (4 shorizontal stripes, from top to bottom black, grey, white and purple) with white font over it saying: asexual awarenessweek at the anarchistische boekenwinkel opstand, 29th and 30th october 2020 Den Haag


It is the annual Aceweek (25th – 31st  Oct.), thus the Anarchist Bookstore Opstand also will take part in educating and creating awareness  about all ace topics!

Do you want to ask questions about asexuality that you couldn’t get answered? Do you want to have some personal story sharing about ace experiences? Would you like to brainstorm about how to make asexuality more visible and acknowledged? You think you’re ace yourself but just wanna talk about it with an ace person? You know someone who’s close to you and just came out and need some resources?

We invite you to come along from 17-21 on the next Thursday (29th), and from 15-19 on the Friday (30th). M. from the Opstand will be there and ready with some topics to chat/talk/discuss about.
Not necess

ary, but recommended: write us an email or an Instagram direct message and tell us when you’ll be coming. We shouldn’t be more than 4 people in the space ( -if you just wanna talk face to face quietly, also possible).

some more things:
– We won’t tolerate shitty behaviour and discrimination, and want to make it a space to learn.
– bring your own facemask please
–  background of the person doing the event: themselves are non-binary and ace, white, non-academic background, slow reader. They prefer talking English, but german and dutch would also work.
– it’s free and there is no need to consume anything, but it would be nice to have some tea with you!
– accessibility: wheelchair accessible it is, but the entrance is a bit tricky. Knock in the window and we’ll make it possible (accessible toilet is there also) ! Next tramstop is Anna Bijnslaan.


ACE Week 2020 Resources:

  • Interested in / questioning

Most of the communication takes place in online communites, such as the AVEN forum or on socialmedia.
– Tumblr: (accessible without being signed up))
– facebookgroups are very helpful like ArosAndEnbies
– Instagram accounts to follow:
@teachingoutsidethebinary [amazing teacher, nonbinary ace/aceflux]
@_aceingrace_  an channel especially to power and uplift black and POC folxs
dutch: @theacemind

  • General: AZE journal (
  • youtube:
    – QueerAsCat (very cool person with very content content)
    –  asexual and aromantic tiktoks youtube compilation)
  • Ally sided
    – book The Invisible Orientation – An introduction to Asexuality (2014), Julia Sondra Decker
    – ace/aro zine


most interesting articles  from aro/ace writers
literally SO good: here some links:

[aro/ace explanation based on personal story]

[very intense poem about current times, recommended!]
[poem about the notion of platonic love] [grey ace peronal story, very poetic] [some terms clarified + super good example of how to introduce RA and Asexuality to new ‘dates’] [poem to ace people] [poem] [review of a book that sounds goodd but the review is also top notch!]

“But you know what I realised on my walk?” she said. “I realised that I love you, Georgia.”
My mouth dropped open.
“Obviously I’m not romantically in love with you. But I realised that whatever these feelings are for you, I…” She grinned wildly. “I feel like I am in love. Me and you—this is a fucking love story! I feel like I’ve found something most people just don’t get. I feel at home around you in a way I have never felt in my fucking life. And maybe most people would look at us and think that we’re just friends, or whatever, but I know that it’s just… so much more than that.” She gestured dramatically at me with both hands. “You changed me. You… you fucking saved me, I swear to God. I know I still do a lot of dumb stuff and I say the wrong things and I still have days where I just feel like shit but… I’ve felt happier over the past few weeks than I have in years.”



    a bookclub with free lgbtqia+ ebooks, online. The selected book each month will either have an asexual spectrum author, canon asexual character, or an otherwise LGBTQ author who has shown support to the ace community.


definitions: understanding them with cake analogies by xen haas:


If you come across a cake and find it aesthetically attractive it means you think it’s pretty. It was very well put together and it’s nice to look at.

Sexual attraction is seeing the cake and the visual sparking thought about smelling it or eating it. Maybe the thought of licking the frosting off pops into your head, or maybe your eye is just drawn to that frosting and you can envision the taste. You might wonder how soft and moist it is. But, you might not actually want to, you just imagine it. Maybe it initiates hunger and maybe it doesn’t.

(Asexuality, then, is seeing cake all the time but it never even entering one’s mind that it’s potential food.)

Sex drive is how big your appetite is. You may just not be hungry almost ever. If you eat, it’s for some other reason. If you have a large appetite you want to eat, but you may not necessary care what you eat. Eating itself is what is satisfying, not necessarily what was eaten.

Sexual arousal is your physical reaction, sometimes to being hungry, sometimes to actually getting ready to or eating. It’s when the stimulus of the looks or smells or thoughts of the food laid out make your stomach growl or your mouth water. Sometimes this may happen without stimulus or actual hunger, sometimes your stomach just rumbles even if you don’t feel particularly hungry.

Sexual desire is being hungry for cake specifically. You want to eat that cake. Or maybe you just want to eat a cake and go looking for one. Just because you want the cake doesn’t necessarily mean you go after the cake.

Sexual activity is actually eating the cake. This could be because you really wanted the cake, but also because you just wanted to try the cake, or maybe everyone else was having cake and there was social pressure, etc.

Sexual orientation is what flavor(s) you like.