The situation in Poland:
It’s going down there in terms of pro-choice.
Birth control in Poland is limited, doctors can even refuse to prescribe them if this is ‘against’ their personal beliefs.
There is an active anti- LGBTQIA+ agenda( with governmental shit
campaigns posing their existence as an ideology instead of orientation, also claiming LGBTQIA+ people are pedophiles.)
The right winged government party PiS now recently equipped the
constitutional tribunal with judges that are on their side, and thus
recently (on last friday) ruled an abortion ban. Judges were associated with the ruling party, and common courts cannot fight against it, because it was ruled by the Constitutional Tribunal.
Besides abortion, the morning-after-pill was also banned fully.
There have been protests ongoing everywhere in the country.
How and whom to support? Aborcyjny Dream Team and Aborcja Bez
Granic(Abortion without borders did a callout: Because abortion is
prohibited from now on, they need to let people know widely that they are not alone and can turn to them. Information must be provided as widely as possible (therefore money is needed for information material a nd their distribution). Also images of them found their way onto on of the governmental anti-choice vans.
ANA ( Abortion Network Amsterdam is helping people since years, especially polish people with uterus. [ANA IBAN: NL06 INGB 0007 1702 49]
They work closely with other abortion support networks like Ciocia Basia in Berlin and Abortion Support Network in London. Our work mainly concerns Polish women who are in need of a second trimester abortion. Practically their work involves helping to set up appointments, choosing the appropriate clinic in the Netherlands, making sure people have all the documents they need, helping with transportation, providing people traveling to The Netherlands with housing, translation aid and accompanying people to their appointment if requested.(interesting fact: In the Netherlands second trimester abortions (after 12 weeks) are possible.)
There are maybe even more things than donating which we can do, but this is still to be figured out. One idea might be getting morning after pills and donating them to activist groups.
Anyway, check it out online and spread the word, we think every donation and every talk you have makes a difference.