Cosy Radical Storytelling; queer speculative fiction writing session


Cosy-radical storytelling; speculative fiction writing workshop. 22nd October 19:00 - 22:00, De Opstand, Den Haag

Cosy Radical Storytelling;
queer speculative fiction writing session

The stories we tell are constantly shaping our reality as we shape them. These stories move through us, metabolically nestled inside the body, until they are ready to diffuse back out into the world, maybe as new stories. Our storytelling muscles are essential for weaving the worlds we desire and need some training! Come along on the 22nd for a collective writing circle, where will spend time with your imaginations and hopefully write together stories of queer worlds of resistance and regeneration.

No prior writing experience is needed, but if you have an existing idea for a story please bring it along. Or perhaps you have an excerpt of an existing story or favourite speculative fiction book that you can to share with the group? Or an object that prompts imagination? We will propose some short writing exercises to get us started, otherwise we will work with the material you bring and the space will be open for whatever the collective mood invites.

See you for a cosy evening for queer imagination and storytelling.

Hosted by @queeredfutures___lab

Send us an email for the location.

Accessibility information: the event is on the ground floor. There is a (steep) ramp for wheel chair accessibility. The opstand library and books are upstairs and only accessible via stairs.
We encourage everyone to wear a face mask, do a self test if you have cold-like symptoms and stay home if you have Covid. Face masks and self tests are available

✮⋆˙ Film screening


Join us 15 October at Opstand for this film screening!

Funeral Parade of Roses (Original title: 薔薇の葬列, Bara no Sōretsu, 1969, directed by Toshio Matsumoto. English subtitles)

This is a Japanese drama art film set in 1960s Tokyo and takes place in the Genet, a gay bar that employs transgender women to service customers. The story is about Eddie, a young transgender woman that works at the bar, Gonda, a drug dealer that manages the bar and Leda, the madame or “lead girl” of the bar.

** Trigger warnings: domestic violence, child abuse, drug use, bodily harm **

Doors open 19.00, movie starts at 19.30 and is 1h45m. After the screening we will have a short discussion. DM or email us for the location (

Accessibility information: the event is on the ground floor. There is a (steep) ramp for wheel chair accessibility. The opstand library and books are upstairs and only accessible with stairs.
We encourage everyone to wear a face mask, do a self test if you have cold-like symptoms and stay home if you have Covid. Face masks and self tests are available.


Book club, 12th November, 19:00. Chapters 1 to 5. Limited free copies. Priority to queer BIPOC. DM for location.

We are kicking off a new round of book discussions with: Popular resistance in Palestine.

Send us a DM over instagram or an email for the location.

The main space is wheelchair accessible but to access the shelves with books you need to walk up one flight of stairs. We also provide face masks and keep the space well ventilated during opening hours.

Film screening


Green Border screening at opstand den haag

Join us 24 September @opstand for this film screening!

Green Border (Original title: Zielona Granica, 2023, directed by Agnieszka Holland). Language: Polish, Arabic, English, French. English subtitles

A family of refugees from Syria, an English teacher from Afghanistan and a border guard all meet on the Polish-Belarusian border during the most recent humanitarian crisis in Belarus. A refugee drama between hope and despair, cynicism and humanity. It’s not a documentary, but a lot of the things that happened in the movie took place in real life.

** Trigger warnings: violence, bodily harm, children’s death, vomit **

Doors open 19.00, movie starts at 19.15 and is 2 ½ hours. After the screening we will have a short discussion. DM or email us for the location

Accessibility information: the event is on the ground floor. There is a (steep) ramp for wheel chair accessibility. The opstand library and books are upstairs and only accessible with stairs.
We encourage everyone to wear a face mask, do a self test if you have cold-like symptoms and stay home if you have Covid. Face masks and self tests are available

Radical accessibility


A note on radical accessibility for future Opstand events. We recently moved the Opstand to the upstairs of the space, which makes consulting the books and zines less accessible. Although, the events still happen at the lower floor. At the same time, we have slowly moved towards ignoring Covid. There is not much we can do about the first but there is something that can be done about the second.

We will also keep the space ventilated and we encourage everybody to:
• Do a self test if you can (we also have some in the space)
• Wear a mask if you can
• Do not come in you have symptoms

This might come as surprise for some but the pandemic is not over. To give a few numbers, 10% of infected people develop long term symptoms and Japan had the highest death rate since the pandemic began at the start of last year. This post is about promoting mutual aid and taking care of each other. Including also the people that cannot mask. As anarchists, we pride ourselves in making our own decisions instead of just listening to politicians. Yet, in this topic, we seem to just blindly follow the state policy.

For a deeper discussion on the topic, this zine is a good start and here is the reference for the 10% of long covid

Volunteers wanted!


Are you interested in helping organize events, taking a shift, or attending a meeting? We operate under principles of free association, allowing you to get involved as much or as little as you like. You can choose the tasks that interest you and take breaks or step back whenever you need to.

We are looking to add just one or two more people to our collective. If this sounds appealing to you, please get in touch with us via direct email.

Pride open letter – No cops at pride


As Pride The Hague 2024 approaches, we want to shed light on ongoing discussions De Opstand and fellow collectives have had with the organizing pride team.

This year, cops are official partners of the pride week, and although we have extensively voiced our disappointment and worries about this, our concerns have not been meaningfully listened to.

We hope this open letter brings transparency to the issue, and we, once again, urge the organizing team to take our concerns seriously and reflect on their choices.

A different Pride is possible, and we will keep dreaming of it.

Pride Open Letter

We do not want police at pride

After extensive discussions with COC Haaglanden, regarding the presence of cops at Pride, we still don’t feel heard and our community needs are not respected.

Our position is clear, we do not want police at our pride. Police presence at queer demonstrations have only stood to further instigate violence against us, rather than protect us from it. This has been the case both historically and within the recent past. To our greatest disappointment, the police force will be present at pride walk and at the opening party at Pride The Hague 2024.

Recently, in canal pride Leiden, we have witnessed violence against our community during pride. History keeps repeating itself. We do not want that to happen here at Pride The Hague.

The police and the system of border controls are well documented to be institutionally racist and perpetuate hatred toward queer people of color and queer migrants. Queer and trans people of color and migrants in our community do not feel safe around the police.

It’s possible to not have police force at pride: New York, London have done it!

There is international precedent for ending police presence at Pride: following the spread of the second wave of Black Lives Matter actions in summer 2020, New York City’s Pride, Vancouver Pride, and Toronto Pride ended police presence at the 2021 parade. The same is also true for Trans Pride in London. We urge Pride Den Haag to follow similar principled steps.

We have high hopes for what a Pride march and activities for queer liberation would include. We hope that Pride The Hague’s organizers will move closer to what a shared vision of pride and queer liberation would look like.

This open later is co-signed by QLU (Queer Leiden University)

Pro Palestine banner making


Join us this Tuesday, the 13th of February, 18:00, to make banners together! AGAIN! After the beautiful banners we made last time, we just can’t get enough and are craving even more… let’s perfect the banners we made last time and make another one! And some nice art therapy never hurts muhahaha.

This event will be hosted at de Opstand (The Hague).
The banners are to be used for the coming sit-ins, marches, or other actions/protests etc!
Send a DM to de Opstand page on instagram or an email for the precise location.

Donations and/or food/supplies are welcome! Please bring cash! We will have prepared some of our own as well 🙂

Hopefully until then!

Kom aanstaande dinsdag 13 februari, 18:00 uur, samen met ons banners maken! OPNIEUW! Na de prachtige banners die we de vorige keer hebben gemaakt, kunnen we er simpelweg geen genoeg van krijgen en verlangen we ernaar onze handen weer uit de mouwen te steken… laten we de banners die we de vorige keer hebben gemaakt perfectioneren en er nog een maken! En wat leuke kunsttherapie doet nooit pijn muhahaha.

Dit evenement vindt plaats in de Opstand (Den Haag).
De spandoeken zijn bedoeld voor de komende sit-ins, marsen of andere acties/protesten etc!
Stuur een DM naar de Opstand pagina of een email voor de exacte locatie.

Donaties en/of voedsel zijn welkom! Neem graag cash mee! Wij hebben natuurlijk wel het een en ander ook klaar liggen/klaar gemaakt :]

Hopelijk tot dan!

Update from de Opstand – Feb 2023


Nederlands onderaan

Hey everyone, it’s been a while since you heard from us. In January, we had to move out of our space at Beatrijsstraat 12 where we have been part of De Samenscholing for the past years. We are lucky enough that we can currently collaborate with a different space in The Hague, where we can temporarily organize.

Our first event after the move is happening this Friday, February 17th, from 6pm to 9pm. It will be open to anyone who identifies as queer or as a member of the LGBTQIA+ community. Shoot us a message for the location, and please stay tuned for more updates on our future opening times and events.

After having pressure put on them from many sides, the Municipality of The Hague has agreed to provide De Samenscholing with a new location. So far, they haven’t proposed anything viable, but we will continue to fight for a space where we can organize autonomously.




Hoi allemaal, het is alweer een tijdje geleden dat jullie iets van ons hebben gehoord. In januari hebben we moeten vertrekken uit onze plek aan de Beatrijsstraat 12 waar we de afgelopen jaren deel hebben uitgemaakt van De Samenscholing. Gelukkig kunnen we momenteel samenwerken met een andere plek in Den Haag, waar we de Opstand tijdelijk kunnen voortzetten.

Ons eerste evenement na de verhuizing vindt aanstaande vrijdag 17 februari plaats, van 18.00 tot 21.00 uur. Het is open voor iedereen die zich identificeert als queer of als lid van de LHBTQIA+ gemeenschap. Stuur ons een berichtje voor de locatie, en hou onze socials in de gaten voor informatie over onze toekomstige openingstijden en evenementen.

Nadat er van veel kanten druk op ze is uitgeoefend, heeft de gemeente Den Haag alsnog toegezegd De Samenscholing een nieuwe locatie te gaan bieden. Tot nu toe hebben ze nog niets fatsoenlijks voorgesteld, maar we zullen blijven vechten voor een ruimte waar we ons autonoom kunnen organiseren.